Average Daily Water Use Per Person In South Africa

237 litres/person/day

Generally, the average water consumption in South Africa is 237 liters/person/day (l/c/d), which is higher than the world average of about 173 l/c/d (Ngobeni & Breytenbach, 2021). In a report prepared for the Water Research Commission, du Plessis et al.

Average Daily Water Use Per Person In South Africa

How much water does a household use per month in South Africa?

South African households use about 250 litres of water a day, that amounts to 7 500 liters a month, which is already more than the monthly free water allowance every household receives from the municipality.

How many Litres of water does a household use?

Household water use varies enormously depending on the number of people in a house and their personal needs. On average; A person uses 152 liters per day.

How much water does a family of 4 use per day South Africa?

Generally, the average water consumption in South Africa is 237 liters/person/day (l/c/d), which is higher than the world average of about 173 l/c/d (Ngobeni & Breytenbach, 2021).

How many Litres of water does a toilet flush use?

In a home with older toilets, an average flush uses 3.6 gallons (13.6 liters) and the daily use is 18.8 gallons (71.2 liters) per person per day. In a home with ultra-low-flow toilets, the daily use is 9.1 gallons per person per day.