Bible Institute of South Africa Full-Time Courses

Bible Institute of South Africa Full-Time Courses

  • One Year Christian Foundations Course

Not sure where life is leading you, but you want it to be in the Bible lane? Taking a One Year Christian Foundations Course at the Bible Institute could be the most significant year of your life. This one year course enables you to work through essential issues of your faith, offering an evangelical biblical standpoint allowing you to think critically and engage meaningfully with the world around you. Here you’ll find no ivory tower of theory or theology, just gritty, practical and challenging times of study, service, prayer and fellowship.

To find out more:  Call us for coffee and a college tour on:  (021) 788 – 4116

What will I study in the Christian Foundations Course?  Click here for

First Semester

  • Introduction to the Old Testament
  • Introduction to the New Testament
  • Scripture & Hermeneutics
  • Ministry to Muslims: This is a 2-week Winter School intensive course.

In addition to these subjects each student will also choose one subject from the following:

  • Biblical Basis of Missions
  • Christian Thinking
  • Child & Youth Ministry


Second Semester

  • Christian Ethics
  • Christ-Centred Evangelism
  • Gospel of Mark

Each student will also choose one subject from the following:

  • Early & Medieval Church History
  • Synoptics Gospels
  • Old Testament Historical Books
  • Licentiate In Theology

If you’ve considered all your study options and feel that theology beckons we’re glad that you are considering the Bible Institute of South Africa as your study home for three years.

Our BISA motto is “To know Christ and to make Him known” and, we pray, it will be yours too.  With us you’ll find no ivory tower of theory or theology, just gritty, practical and challenging times of study, service, prayer and fellowship.

What is the LTh?

The LTh is a three year tertiary level on-campus programme designed to offer the student the best teaching in Biblical, Systematic and Pastoral Theology together with hands-on Ministry experience and Training. The Licentiate in Theology is an ACTEA accredited programme.What will I study in the LTh?

To see what courses you will take, Click Here > LTh curriculum

  • Bachelor of Theology

If you’ve considered all your degree options and feel that theology beckons we’re glad that you are considering the Bible Institute of South Africa as your study home for three years. Our BISA motto is “To know Christ and to make Him known” and, we pray, it will be yours too.  With us you’ll find no ivory tower of theory or theology, just gritty, practical and challenging times of study, service, prayer and fellowship.

To find out more and to meet some  BISA lecturers call us on 021 7884116 for coffee, a sit-in lecture and a campus tour

What will I study in the BTh? 

To see what courses you will take please click >> BTh curriculum 

What is BISA’s goal for each student?

Whatever studies you undertake at the Bible Institute we have a goal for you  >> Philosophy of Education 

Who will my classmates be?

We don’t know who will be in your specific year but students one or two years ahead of you come from all walks of life and many nationalities, and they’re already at the Bible Institute. To see what they get up to go here >>Picture Gallery 

What else will I do on campus?

You will be involved in a number of practical ministry opportunities. You’ll be expected to put your hand to the wheel as you scan the hoizon because we believe that bible Training is not just books, lectures and exams. At the Bible Institute we prepare men and women for servanthood ministry – and that takes a lot of practice – just ask any person in fulltime christian work.  So as a student, whether you live on or off campus, you will take part in BISA’s Open Day, Gardening Days, the annual FunTrail Run, Missions Events & prayer times, Ministry Week (could be outside of Cape Town) and attendance at chapel services as well as being part of a weekly fellowship group. But you’re not alone here, the lecturers and most of the staff are doing it with you.

In order to experience Christian Community life and benefit from the multi-cultural ethos at the Bible Institute, residence on-campus, although not compulsory, is encouraged.

It promises to be a life-changing experience!


What is the BISA Motto?

The BISA motto is “To know Christ and to make Him known”

For the meaning and significance of our LOGO, Click Here > BISA LOGO

What is the BISA Mission Statement?

To read our Mission Statement, Click Here > Mission Statement

What is our doctrinal position?

To read what we stand for at the Bible Institute, Click Here > BISA Doctrinal Statement


What are the Fees?

To find fees for tuition and residence, Click Here > BISA Fees


How do I apply?

For all your application details, Click Here > Application process


To find out more call us on 021 788-4116 for coffee, a sit-in lecture and a campus tour.


The Bible Institute is small enough to operate as a family (OK, a large family)

but big enough to give you exposure to many cultures and nationalities

on campus as well as ministry opportunities in several fields.

We wish you well in your application – we’ve been praying for you already.