How Much Is Learners License In south Africa

What is Learners License?

A learner’s licence is a permit that proves that you have basic knowledge of a motor vehicle and the rules of the road.

The learner’s licence is valid for 24 months and cannot be extended.

How Much Is Learners License In south Africa?

The cost of a legal learner’s licence is R108 for the booking and R60 for the issuing fee. A driver’s licence Code 10 test costs R240, and a Code 8, R228.

The issuing fee for both licences is R228.

Can I write learners test online?

Click on online services. Click book now for learner’s licence test. Fill out the application form. Click submit to complete the process.

How long is the learners test in South Africa?

The test is an hour long, which gives you one minute to answer each question.

Is a learners test hard?

Getting your learner’s licence isn’t that difficult. It mainly requires dedication to study times and the ability to remember tons of road rules.

The test is multiple-choice, which can also make things a little less of a hurdle.

How can I pay for my learners licence online?

Pay Fees in Sarthi Parivahan Website is so easy method.

 go to Parivahan official website : the Parivahan website click on fee payment. Now show instruction and read it carefully and click to proceed.