How Much Is Tummy Tuck In south Africa

What is Tummy Tuck?

Abdominoplasty or “tummy tuck” is a cosmetic surgery procedure used to make the abdomen thinner and more firm. The surgery involves the removal of excess skin and fat from the middle and lower abdomen in order to tighten the muscle and fascia of the abdominal wall. 

How is a tummy tuck done in South Africa?

The abdominal muscles are pulled towards one another to create a slimmer waist. The skin is then pulled over the new tummy, and a new belly button is created. Liposuction is then used to remove any excess fat cells before closing the incision with stitches below the bikini line.

How much does it cost to surgically remove belly fat?

How much does a tummy tuck cost? The average cost of a tummy tuck is $6,154, according to the most recent statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. This average cost is only part of the total price – it does not include anesthesia, operating room facilities or other related expenses.

How long is recovery from tummy tuck?

Six weeks after a tummy tuck

It takes six weeks for the body to heal from cosmetic surgery. Swelling may last several weeks, but most patients are fully recovered in three months or less. At this point, it’s safe to begin exercising and resuming normal activities.

How painful is a tummy tuck?

There will be some discomfort after a tummy tuck, with the worst discomfort experienced within the first week. On a scale of 1 – 10, pain is often estimated at around a 6-7 for the the first few days to a week, reducing to around a 3 – 4 in the second week.