How To Save Electricity At Home In South Africa

Below is How To Save Electricity At Home In South Africa

People need to start thinking of new and innovative ways of saving energy.

South Africa and the rest of the world are all contributing to global warming without using proper energy-saving techniques. Did you know that over 90% of South African energy comes from non-renewable sources?

These energy sources include oil, gas, and coal and if we are not careful and don’t start implementing techniques for saving energy, these sources will eventually run out.

Remember that if we use less energy, our non-renewable energy source will last longer in the future, and we will notice the positive effects it has on our delicate environment.

Electricity Saving Tips

Get ceiling insulation installed in your home

Make sure your geysers are wrapped with geyser blankets

Turn geyser temperature down to 60 degrees C

Buy energy-efficient light bulbs

Use energy-efficient exterior lights for spotlights

Install a solar water heater or heat pump

Use energy-efficient appliances

Make sure appliances are turned off at the wall

Have energy-efficient shower heads installed?

What uses the most electricity in a house in south Africa?

The fridge. Your fridge will, in most cases, be the appliance that uses the most power and can consume up to a third of all the power in your house.


The tumble dryer.

Electric Hob.




What is the best way to save electricity in South Africa?

Adjust your day-to-day behaviors.

Replace your light bulbs.

Use smart power strips.

Install a programmable thermostat.

Use energy efficient appliances.

Reduce water heating expenses.

Install energy efficient windows.

Upgrade your HVAC system.