Layer Feed Prices In South Africa

What is Layer Feed?

Layer feeds are formulated for chickens that are laying table eggs (those used for food). Layer feeds contain about 16 percent protein and extra calcium so the chickens will lay eggs with strong shells. Start feeding layer feeds at about 20 weeks of age or when the first egg is laid, whichever occurs first.

Layer Feed Prices In South Africa

SURE-Lay Phase 1 mash40R219.00
SURE-Lay Phase 2 mash40R219.00
SURE-Lay Phase 1 mash40R230.00
SURE-Layer Pellet III40R214.00

Do chickens need layer feed?

To produce an egg each day, hens need high levels of calcium, vitamins and minerals. Hens transfer many of these nutrients directly into their eggs, so the nutrients in layer feed play an essential role in egg production.

How much feed does a layer eat per day?

The feed should be fed ad-lib to laying birds from the onset of laying, which is around 18 weeks, up until the end of laying. Each bird is expected to consume between 115g-125g of feed per day.

How many times should I feed my layers?

How Often to Feed Chickens. Ideally, you should split your chicken feed into two servings daily. If you’re home during the day, you can even make this 3 – 4 small feeding. Chickens enjoy small, frequent meals as opposed to large meals once a day.