Mangosuthu University of Technology Finance Department

Mangosuthu University of Technology Finance Department

Department of Finance and Accounting

4.1 Admission requirements

To be admitted to this programme, a candidate shall have obtained a valid National Senior Certificate with rating codes:

Accounting (4), Mathematics (3) or Mathematics Literacy (4) and English Home Language (3) or English First Additional Language (4) and any other 3 subjects with rating code 3 excluding Life Orientation.


Senior Certificate with the following requirements:
Higher Grade Standard Grade
Accounting D –
English E D
Mathematics E D

Minimum: 25 Points


Applicants who satisfy the minimum requirements will be subjected to a selection process.
Applicants will be ranked based on their academic results and selected for admission accordingly.

4.2 Duration of study

3 years full-time or 4 – 8 year part-time

Part-time classes are held in those subjects for which there is sufficient demand.

4.3 Curriculum: ND: Finance and Accounting (Public)(FINACD)……view PDF file>>>

4.4 Restriction on choice of courses and Promotion Rules

4.4.1 No student shall take:
More than six modules in any semester.

4.5 Promotional rules

4.5.1 To be promoted from the first year to the second year of study, the student shall have passed six out of ten modules in the first year, including at least one module of Financial Accounting 1.

4.5.2 The repeat modules in level 1 shall be taken, where the time-table permits. A student cannot be registered for more than six modules for any one semester taking into consideration 4.5.1.

4.5.3 No candidate shall take any module at level III unless and until all modules in the first and the second years have been completed.

4.6 Examination Regulation

Refer to General Handbook Rule 22. Examination in semester courses will be conducted during May and November. All students should ensure that they have enrolled for all subjects for which they will be writing examinations.