National Diploma In Drinking Water Assessment In South Africa

Water resources assessment (WRA) is a tool to evaluate water resources in relation to a reference frame, or to evaluate the dynamics of the water resource in relation to human impacts or demand. 

Water resources assessment is a classic tool used in Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM).

Below are the list of National Diploma In Drinking Water Assessment Schools In South Africa


Certificate in Water and Wastewater Treatment – CPUT

Diploma in Water Management | IIE MSA

Water Care – EMC

Water Treatment | Varsity Institute of Science and Technology

Institute for Water and Wastewater Technology | DUT

Water and Sanitation – University of Limpopo

National Diploma In Water Care  – Stellenbosch University

Water Institute of Southern Africa

Hydrology and Water Resources Management – CUT

Water and Wastewater Treatment Practice – West Coast College

What is water quality assessment?

The water quality assessment process. As defined in Chapter 1, water quality assessment is the overall process of evaluation of the physical, chemical and biological nature of the water, whereas water quality monitoring is the collection of the relevant information.

What are the 6 main indicators of water quality?

Physico-chemical indicators are the traditional ‘water quality’ indicators that most people are familiar with. They include dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature, salinity and nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus). They also include measures of toxicants such as insecticides, herbicides and metals.

How safe is our drinking water at home?

Many of us in the United States take water purity for granted, unlike people in many developing countries, where drinking water straight from the tap can be hazardous. U.S. water supplies are safe, by and large. However, outbreaks of illness from contaminants in drinking water do occur from time to time.

What is the most important water quality test?

Tests for nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N), pH, turbidity, total dissolved solids (TDS), odours, total coliform (the most important test), aerobic and sulphate reducing bacteria can be performed with minimal equipment and cost and provide accurate information on the state of the well water.