North West University Social Work Department

North West University Social Work Department

Social work – an internationally acclaimed profession

Within a professional relationship, social workers use specific methods and techniques, perform certain functions and tasks and utilise resources to prevent, alleviate or eliminate social problems to promote the social functioning of a client system.

Social work includes therapeutic as well as preventative services rendered to individuals, groups or entire communities. In order to practise as a social worker you need specialised expertise, hence a four-year tertiary qualification is required, as well as registration with the South African Council for Social Service Professions.

Employers include various governmental departments, a great number of welfare and religious institutions, the private sector as well as hospitals and other related care-based organisations.

Social workers are also employed in the industry as occupational social workers where they work with the employees in organisations to improve work performance. Social workers can also enter private practice or involve themselves in the academic sphere.

A qualification in social work is recognised internationally and you will be able to practise anywhere in the world. This profession is for individuals with a well-developed sense of discernment, a good sense of responsibility and an earnest desire to influence another individual’s life positively.

Careers opportunities:
Group work skills
Field of specialisation
Services to children in troubled families
Child protection services
Public child welfare agencies
Adoption agencies
Residential and foster care agencies
Clinical therapeutic services
Community mental health centres
Psychiatric hospitals and day treatment hospitals
Employee assistance programmes
Family service agencies
Correctional services
Criminal justice and correctional facilities
Prisons and correctional facilities
Police departments
Probation offices
Victim services offices
Social work in law enforcement
SANDF (Army, Navy, Air Force, Military Health)
Community development
Advocacy organisations
Development corporations
Community centres
Government structures
Occupational settings
Employee assistance
Labour relations
Drug and alcohol treatment agencies
Developmental disabilities
Residential homes for the disabled
Government structures
Medical facilities
Mental health facilities
Social work in health settings
Nursing homes
Services  to the needy
Private and public welfare agencies
Agencies for the elderly
Agencies for the homeless

Available courses and requirements for undergraduate and postgraduate students
BSW (Social Work, 4 years) APS 28