By | October 24, 2017

South African National Defence Force (SANDF) Education Trust

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Purpose Of The Trust
In 2013, C SANDF mooted the idea of an education trust following tragic incidents experienced by the SANDF where members lost their lives in the line of duty leaving their dependents without a bread winner. The object of the South African National Defence Force Education Trust is to provide bursaries and scholarships for study purposes to the dependents of the following persons:

• SANDF members killed or severely injured subsequent to 27 April 1994 whilst on official duties

• Civilian members of the Department of Defence killed or severely injured subsequent to 27 April 1994 whilst deployed in operations with the SANDF

• Citizens of the Republic of South Africa killed or injured subsequent to 27 April 1994 during the course of an operation of the SANDF, provided that such citizens were not engaged in an activity in opposition to the aims of the SANDF operation.

How Is The Trust Funded?
The Trust is funded through donations and contributions received from the private sector. On-going fund raising is taking place and all citizens are given an opportunity to contribute to this noble cause. No State funds are used to support the Trust.

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How Is The Trust Managed?
The Trust is managed by an independent Board of Trustees which consists of both military and non-military members. The finances of the Trust are administered by an appointed financial service provider.

Who Qualifies For Bursaries and Scholarships?
All applicationswho were financially dependent on a deceased or severly injured member and registered as such in the recirds of the SANDF, or established to be a depedent, are considered for financial aid. As in the case of any other educational financial aid scheme, the board of trustees considers each application in accordance with an approve set of criteria for Primary and Secondary School learners and learners studying at a rgistered tertiary institution.

How Do Disbursements Occur?
All applications for financial aid are investigated and verified with the official records of the Department. All payments are made directly to the educational institutions and not the famalies.Chaplains and Social Work officers form part of a support machanism that attend to the well-being and other needs of bursary holders.

Are Donors Entitled To Tax Deductions For Contributions Made To The Trust?
Yes, the Trust can issue Section 18A Certificates to all qualifying Donors.

What Will The Future Demands Be For The Trust To Meet The Financial Requirements?
At this stage it is not possible to estimate future requirements because of the low intensity of SANDF operations which may escalate. Future trends will provide guidelines on this. The challenge will be to support all qualifying and financially needy young people with their educational expenses. For this purpose, the Trust in turn, will rely on donations from the private sector and the general public.

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Application Forms
Application forms can either be downloaded from this website or be requested as indicated below.

Enquiries and Contact Details
Enquiries on the Trust and application forms for financial aid can be obtained from:
Telephone number: 012-355 5107
Facsimile number: 012-355 5882

Donations to the Trust can be paid directly into the following account:
Bank: Nedbank
Name of Account: SANDF Education Trust
Branch Number: 19262100
Account Number: 1134917252
Reference: SANDF Edu Trust and the name of the Donor