By | October 23, 2017

The South African Navy Rules of War

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In situations of armed conflict I will abide by the rules of international humanitarian law as contained in the Geneva Conventions:

In situations of armed conflict I will abide by the rules of international humanitarian law as contained in the Geneva Conventions:

I will fight only enemy combatants and attack only military objectives.

I will employ methods of attack to achieve the military objective with the least amount of harm to civilian life and property.

I will not attack or harm enemy personnel who surrender. I will disarm them and treat them as prisoners of war.

I will not kill, torture or abuse prisoners of war.

I will not alter weapons or ammunition for the deliberate purpose of increasing suffering.

I will collect and care for the wounded, shipwrecked and sick, whether friend or foe.

I will treat civilians humanely.

I will not tolerate or engage in rape or looting.

I will respect all cultural objects and places of worship.

I will respect all persons and objects bearing the Red Cross, Red Crescent and other recognised symbols of humanitarian agencies.

I understand that disobeying these rules is a crime. It dishonours military personnel and their country, and makes them liable to punishment as war criminals. I will therefore report any violation of the rules to my superiors.