By | June 12, 2017

Vaal University of Technology Prospectus 2018


1. A Brief Look at the VUT from 1966 to 2010



The Vaal Triangle College for Ad vanced Technical Ed u cation

op ens its d oors to the com m u nity, w ith Mr C A J Bornm an

ap p ointed as

the first Princip al. The College



engineering stu d ents, 15 m em bers of




accom m od ation for 60 stu d ents.



Dr Isak Steyl is ap p ointed as Director of the Institu tion .



The constru ction of new bu ild ings com m ences, p rovid ing

stu d ents w ith a new library, gym nasiu m , laboratories, lectu re

halls and a new w ing for the Dep artm ent of Com m erce and

Managem ent.

The College is thu s enabled to

d ou ble


stu d ent intake and exp and the cu rricu lu m .



Stu d ent enrolm ent reaches the 3 000 m ark.

Staff now





Colleges are renam ed Technikons in accord ance

w ith


Ad vanced Technical Am end m ent Act.



The Vaal Triangle Technikon continu es

to exp and .


ad d itional hostel op ens its d oors and hosts 140 m ore stu d ents.

Vesco d onates

a fu rther 22 hectares to the Institu tion


accom m od ate the m assive bu ild ing exp ansions ap p roved by

the Dep artm ent of Ed u cation. Cou rses in Microbiology and

Param ed ical Sciences are offered for the first tim e .



The first Lau reatu s (equ ivalent to PhD) stu d ents register, and

d u ring the sam e year a Dep artm ent of Ed u cational Technology

is established .



The Gold Field s Library is com p leted and finally the

Technikon boasts a library w hich satisfies the need s of existing

stu d ents and staff.


: The Vaal Triangle Technikon establishes a satellite cam p u s at

Secu nd a, offering p art-tim e classes only. Bu ild ing com m ences

on new facilities at the m ain cam p u s for the School of Art and

Design. Stu d ent nu m bers reach 6 000.



The Vaal Triangle Technikon establishes

a new


cam p u s at Klerksd orp . Ap p roval is given to the Technikon to

offer d egree cou rses and the first enrolm ents are accep ted .


General Prospectus

1995 : The Vaal Triangle Technikon establishes tw o ad d itiona l satellite cam p u ses at Up ington called the N orthern Cap e Satellite Cam p u s, and at Kem p ton Park, called the Eku rhu leni Satellite Cam p u s.

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1996 : Prof AT Mokad i joins the Vaal Triangle Technikon as Vice- Chancellor and Rector. Facu lties rep lace the form er schools and d irectors becom e d eans. The first Masters Degree – Magister Technologiae in Electrical Engineering is aw ard ed . Tokyo Sexw ale is elected as the fir st Chancellor of the Vaal Triangle Technikon .


: The

14 500 stu d ent

m ark is reached ,

reflecting the

d em ograp hics of Sou th African society.


stu d ent

enrolm ent rises to 63,4%.

All d iscip lines offer d egree cou rses

w hich can be p u rsu ed from bachelors to d octorate level. The


Field s Fou nd ation‟s Ad m inistration Manager


op ens the Gold Field s Library‟s Electronic Classroom .

1999 : The new langu age p olicy, w ith English as the official langu age, com es into op eration. The first Doctorates are aw ard ed in the Facu lty of Ap p lied and Com p u ter Sciences and the Facu lty of

Managem ent Sciences. On 30 Ap ril the Vaal Triangle Technikon op ens its high -voltage laboratory, m aking it a lead er in the field of electrical engineering, w ith the cap acity to serve the p ow er cable research need s of the entire Sou th Africa.

2001 : A Technology Station for Com p osite Materials is established to assist the com p osite ind u stry in p rod u ct d evelop m ent and the u se of state-of-the-art technology.

2002 : A Dep artm ent of Technology Planning and Develop m ent is established to sp earhead the d rive to m ake greater u se of technology. Ou r cham p ion athletes Chris H arm se w on a gold m ed al at the African Cham p ions in Tu nisia and Mbu laeni Mu lau d zi w on a gold m ed al at the Com m onw ealth gam es in Manchester. Mbu laeni w as the first black Sou th African ever to w in a gold m ed al at these cham p ionship s and the first Sou th African to w in a gold m ed al in the track events in the p ast 44 years. On 6 Sep tem ber the first ever H onorary Doctorate is aw ard ed to Archbishop Em eritu s Desm ond Tu tu , and the

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General Prospectus

u nveiling of the hall, henceforth to be know n as the Desmond Tutu Great Hall.

2003 : The Desm ond Tu tu Lectu re Series is institu ted . The inau gu ral ad d ress is given by Ju d ge Albie Sachs of the Constitu tional Cou rt. The second ad d ress in the series is p resented by Clem Su nter, Chairm an of the Anglo Am erican Chairm an‟s Fu nd .

The acad em ic re-d irection of the institu tion tow ard s becom ing a u niversity of technology begins.




Triangle Technikon


becom es



UN IVERSITY OF TECH N OLOGY”. The u niversity takes

occu p ation of the p reviou s Vista C am p u s at Sebokeng,

renam ing it “Ed u city” in the p rocess.



Registrations p ass the 17 000 m ark for the first tim e.



VUT celebrates its 40th anniversary. A new acad em ic stru ctu re

is introd u ced to p rovid e for the final transition of VUT from its

form er technikon stru ctu re



u niversity



stru ctu re u nd er the banner: Transform ation II – from

Technikon to University. VUT aw ard ed H onorary Doctorates

to the follow ing recip ients: An Extraord inary Professorship to

Prof Martin H inou l (Bu siness Develop m ent: K U Leu ven


& Develop m ent), Legal Stu d ies

to Dr

Ad v Pansy

Tlaku la (CEO: Electoral Com m ission of SA (IEC), Sp ort

Managem ent to Dr Molefi Olip hant (SAFA).

2007 :

VUT ap p oints its first fem ale Vice-Chancellor

and Princip al,

Prof Irene Mou tlana.



VUT aw ard ed H onorary




follow ing

recip ients: Ap p lied Sciences to Dr Mosibu d i


(Minister of Sciences and Technology), Law to Dr Ad v IA

Sem enya (Pitje Cham bers

– Fabcos

H ou se),

Fine Arts to





Ford sbu rg


Stu d io),

H u m anities to Dr Sip ho M Pityana (Execu tive Chairp erson

Izingw e H old ings (Pty) Ltd ), Law to Dr Ad v G Bizos SC


Ad vocate

Chairp erson

Legal Resou rces


H u m anities to Dr Archbishop WH N N d u ngane (Form er Anglican Archbishop ) H istoric School Restoration Project and African Monitor.

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