By | December 1, 2016

2016 Codeji IT Programme At City Of Johannesburg

What is Codeji IT Programme? It is actually a digital internship opportunity to invite SA young and talented generations who have huge interest in Information and Technology area to take part into their internship opportunity to learn more about ICT and broadband territory. The good news about this IT opportunity is, the target participants for internship programme which they design is about 1000 participants which means more chance. Still, it can’t guarantee that you will directly claim your chance for the digital internship opportunity at City of Johannesburg.

So,what it takes to be claim your place in Codeji IT programme 2016 2017 and 2018? Apart of you that being excellent in Information and Technology area, then you must be; (1) your age must be around 18 to 35 years old with Youth Employment Accord, (2) even though black males can apply for the internship opportunity, but it takes more interest toward the black females with destitute background or previously disadvantaged places like informal towns spread around the city, and (3) unemployment graduates.

Apply Online for the City of Johannesburg Codeji Programme

Get More Information About the City of Johannesburg Codeji Programme

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Another people who also deserve to gain benefit from Codeji IT programme is people with disability that has no chance to be a part of economy development. Furthermore, if you are considered as NEET or youth who is not in employment, education or training, you are also can gain chance to apply for the digital internship at City of Johannesburg. That said, ensure that you have all of the requirements or qualifications which are necessary to join this IT programme. If you think that you need for more information related to the internship program that is proposed by City of Johannesburg, simply find them on their main site. Too, if you think about applying the opportunity for the internship, the only way you can take is, by applying for the opportunity online.