Friends of Design Game Graphics & Multimedia Entertainment

Friends of Design Game Graphics & Multimedia Entertainment

Take your skills to the next level

As with all our courses, this programme brings you a wealth of technical knowledge and practical tutelage. Here, you expand upon your exisiting creative skills and explore the realms of game technology for entertainment, educational, mobile and web purposes.

Best of all, the skills you gain in this course can open doors to an incredible variety of careers and fields, as the techniques learnt are also used in the architectural, medical, advertising, product development and animation industries – to name a few!

Our school director interviewed by MWEB Game Zone TV

What to expect from your studies

The course is packed with theoretical & practical training that includes:

  • Game Production Overview
  • History of Games and Gaming
  • Game Design Concepts
  • Game Design Document Writing
  • 3D Modeling and Texturing Basics
  • Scripting Basics
  • Game Engine Basics
  • The different applications of Game Technology
  • How to start game and interactive product production
  • Pitching a Game Concept
  • Creating and Importing in-game assets
  • Final Project in your field of choice (Scripting, Game Design Document, 3D Modeling …)
  • Game Prototyping
  • Interface Design Theory
  • Animation in 3D Software
  • Advanced Scripting
  • Level Design Theory

You will learn how to use the following Software Applications:

  • Unity3D®
  • Blender®
  • JavaScript (Game Engine related)

On Completion

You will be able to do the following on completion of the course:

  • Work with a team of specialists creating games or other interactive products
  • Understand Game Technology and its many applications
  • Create 3D models for in-game or interactive use
  • Script gameplay elements for games
  • Come, define and document a game concept from idea to the finished document
  • Analyze games for flaws in game features and level design
  • Understand the game industry better than most people
  • Plan, research, work and improve your skills in your field of specialization and others
  • Create game concepts for different purposes and target groups (Advertising, Education, Entertainment, etc.)
  • Know what makes games work and why


You must be 18 years of age or older, you must have obtained a Matric Certificate and you must be fluent in spoken and written English. Previous Art or Design training at a school level is an advantage.

Graphic Design, IT, Animation and Computer studies are advantageous for the G.A.M.E Course, but not essential.

Submission Requirement

The Game Graphics and Multimedia Entertainment programme is full time One Year Certificate programme which requires you to be an active member of classroom activities. In order to determine if you are ready for the work set out we have a few questions to ask you. Please provide answers to all the questions and submit the portfolio (PDF or Printed A4) with the documents requested in the enrolment application form.

Question 1 – Motivation

In an essay or a video, tell us about who you are.

Tell us about your achievements and where you see yourself in 5 years. Provide details on what inspires and motivates you. Why do you want to attend Friends of Design? Tell us about your work ethic and your understanding of team work and your role within a group. Provide a motivation as to why you believe Game Designing is the best career path for you.

Question 2 – Portfolio Application

2.1. Provide 3-5 examples of how game technology can be used in other areas of entertainment and motivate each of your answers.

2.2 You read a study about Games and Violence. Its conclusion is that games make children more aggressive and prone to act violently. Do you agree or disagree and why?

2.3 What are you more interested in when you play a game: the gameplay features, the game’s visuals, the game’s characters and story, the multiplayer features or other elements? Describe why these are better suited to you.

2.4 What do you think is more important in a game: great visuals or entertaining gameplay? And why do you think so?

Please send us 3 -5 examples of your design, scripting efforts (can be HTML, too), game designs, illustrations or other work relevant to game development, interactive media or digital art. You can also provide us with links to download your examples if the file size is too big.

Please send all the above to Chanelle Perumal in a zipped file.  Now accepting late submissions.

Note: Friends of Design reserves the right to alter the topics and modules of any advertised courses to meet or maintain industry standards. Friends of Design is provisionally registered as a private higher education institution in terms of section 54(3) of the Higher Education Act, 1997 (Act No 101 of 1997), and Regulation 16(4)(b) of the Regulations for the Registration of Private Higher Education Institutions, 2002, to offer the Higher Certificate in Game Graphics & Multimedia Entertainment, until 31 December 2018.