By | October 23, 2017

Sasol Sponsorship

At Sasol we pursue sponsorships that enhance our brand, inspire creativity and innovation, and create unique opportunities to build stakeholder relationships.

We are proud to support selected sporting and artistic initiatives, as well environmental and educational organisations and events.
We currently devote most of our sponsorship investment in South Africa to sport and sponsor several South African national teams, including:

We also sponsor:

In addition to these, we support environmental educational programmes including natural history publications and birding-related projects.

Sasol receives many applications for sponsorships, donations, prizes and assistance every month, with many of those requests being aligned to our goals.

Unfortunately, the number of applications seeking support from Sasol exceeds our sponsorship mandate. We have a broad programme of activities that we are currently committed to, and we are not actively adding any new sponsorships to our portfolio at present.

RELATED :   Sasol Ethics

Thank you for your consideration of Sasol as a potential partner.

For more information on our sport sponsorships visit