By | October 25, 2017

PwC South Africa Country Desks

Africa Desk

To assist foreign companies wanting to explore the abundant investment opportunities Africa has to offer, we have set up dedicated Africa Desks in Johannesburg and New York. Drawing on the strength of the PwC network and the firm’s unique thought leadership methodology, the Africa Desk in Johannesburg has been established to assist both South African and foreign investors in coordinating the setting up and running of operations in Africa.

We have dedicated Africa Desks in Johannesburg and New York to assist foreign companies wanting to explore investment opportunities Africa has to offer.

Thinking of expanding in Africa?

Organisations are increasingly expanding their businesses into countries in Africa. Similarly, foreign companies seeking to invest in Africa are also increasingly using South Africa as a base to ‘explore’ business opportunities in other African countries.

Africa, the second largest and second most populous continent is blessed with vast natural resources and is fast becoming a lucrative commercial market with enormous potential for investors. However, divergent cultures, business landscapes and unique legal regulatory and political environments can make these ventures particularly challenging.

Our Africa Coordination Centre is a strategic hub and centre of excellence dedicated to supporting your business operations in Africa.

Japan Desk

Within the PwC global network, we have formed the JBN (Japanese Business Network), a diverse group of professionals dedicated to creating a bridge between various countries and Japan.  Both Japanese and local professionals provide support to Japanese companies that plan to expand into the international market. The “Japan Desk” in South Africa has two key objectives. The first is to  assist Japanese companies with their business interests in Africa. The second is to advise non-Japanese companies that make investments into or trade with Japan.

Japanese companies are accelerating their expansion overseas against a background of the shrinking market within Japan.


While the business environment for Japanese companies is changing dramatically, the global economy has increasingly stabilised. Japanese companies are accelerating their expansion overseas against a background of the shrinking market within Japan, cost increases and many other factors.

The second largest and second most populous continent, Africa is blessed with vast natural resources and is fast becoming a lucrative commercial market with enormous potential for investors. However, divergent cultures, business landscapes and unique legal regulatory and political environments can make these ventures particularly challenging.

Within the PwC global network, we have formed the JBN (Japanese Business Network), a diverse group of professionals dedicated to creating a bridge between various countries and Japan.  Both Japanese and local professionals provide support to Japanese companies that plan to expand into the international market. The “Japan Desk” in South Africa has two key objectives. The first is to  assist Japanese companies with their business interests in Africa. The second is to advise non-Japanese companies that make investments into or trade with Japan.

RELATED :   PwC Corporate Responsibility

How we can help

The Japan Desk works from our Johannesburg office, helping our clients overcome increasingly complex issues. These include financial reporting, tax, deals, human resources management, supply chain, sustainability, and risk management. We help businesses operate across borders, enter new markets, and transform their organisations to meet the needs of tomorrow.

Our team includes secondees from our Japanese practice and works closely with our colleagues in the Japanese firm on behalf of our clients, whether they are investing into Africa or into Japan.  We provide services to a large number of Japanese clients in Africa, spanning a wide variety of sectors including trading houses, technology and communications, entertainment and media, retail, automotive and manufacturing.  We are also proud to assist an equally broad range of non-Japanese clients with their businesses involving Japan.

India Desk

South Africa – India business opportunities represent enormous potential for both South African companies doing business in or with India, as well as, Indian companies looking at investing or expanding into the South African marketplace.

India business opportunities represent enormous potential for both South African companies doing business in or with India, as well as, Indian companies looking at investing/expanding into the South African marketplace.


India – Cross-border solutions for South African and Indian businesses

India has a diverse and rapidly expanding economic relationship with South Africa, and as India rapidly progresses from a developing nation to an economic powerhouse, the market provides abundant and unexplored opportunities for SA companies wishing to do business in there and vice versa. But divergent cultures, business landscapes and unique legal and political environments can make these ventures particularly challenging.

India’s rising influence in the global market cannot be ignored, and this was confirmed by an internal PwC study that showed that the Indian economy will be a major global player in the foreseeable future. Using Indian trade data, analysis reveals that there has been a significant increase in both India’s imports from Africa, and Indian exports to Africa, since 2003. During 2006, Indian imports from Africa totalled US$12.6 billion, while exports to Africa were US$9.5 billion.

How we can help

Indian companies that seek to enhance their presence in SA and the rest of Africa require a comprehensive suite of services, and similarly, SA-based companies evaluating the Indian option would require a similar gamut of services. PwC in SA, through the utilisation of the PwC global network and the firm’s unique thought leadership methodology, has recognised this niche in the market and established an Africa/Indian desk to assist Indian and SA investors to set up operations in both these countries.

RELATED :   PwC South Africa Offices

PwCs’ India Desk is your gateway to a comprehensive range of tax advisory and assurance solutions available in South Africa, India and beyond. Our globally connected team of trusted business advisors works closely and seamlessly with our colleagues in India to help you address important issues facing your business. Our India Desk team not only helps Indian companies invest, set up, raise capital, or operate in South Africa, we also advise South African companies interested in investing or expanding into India and/or looking to understand the impact of India on their business.

Our India Desk team provides assistance with meeting your unique needs, including with respect to:

  • Doing business in South Africa/India, including strategic options and market entry analysis
  • M&A deal and corporate finance services, including due diligence, valuation, tax structuring and post-deal integration
  • Tax compliance & optimization
  • Transfer pricing
  • Financial reporting advisory & compliance, including audit & assurance services
  • Risk and regulatory matters
  • Business reviews and performance improvement

Contact a member of our India Desk team for more information.

Italian Desk

Our in-depth knowledge and understanding of both African and Italian operating environments enables us to put ourselves in our clients’ shoes.

Realizing the investment appeal of the African continent, PwC Africa’s Italian desk provides assistance to Italian companies willing to operate or to expand their footprint in Africa.

Realising the appeal of the African continent as an Italian investment destination, we recently formed PwC Africa’s Italian Desk. In line with our aim of servicing our clients from strategy through execution, our dedicated Desk provides assistance to Italian companies wanting to operate or to expand their footprint in Africa, and to local companies and entrepreneurs interested in the Italian market.

Our in-depth knowledge and understanding of both African and Italian operating environments enables us to put ourselves in our clients’ shoes to offer tailored Tax, Legal, Assurance and Advisory solutions to every business challenge. Our Italian-speaking Desk Co-ordinator liaises closely with the “Sistema Italia” and is a member of the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce.

Desk Italia di PwC Africa

Realizzato il potenziale del continente africano quale destinazione di investimenti italiani, abbiamo recentemente creato il Desk Italia di PwC Africa. In linea con il nostro obiettivo di assistere i nostri clienti a tutto tondo, dalla definizione della strategia, all’implementazione, il nostro Desk dedicato supporta le imprese italiane interessate ad operare o ad espandere la loro presenza in Africa, cosi’ come le aziende e gli imprenditori locali interessati al mercato italiano.

La nostra solida conoscenza e comprensione del contesto e delle dinamiche di business italiane ed africane ci consente di metterci nei panni dei nostri clienti, al fine di fornire specifiche soluzioni in ambito Tax, Legal, Assurance e Advisory per ogni sfida di business