By | January 8, 2017

De Beers Group: Engineering Bursary / Scholarship Programme

De Beers will be awarding a limited number of bursaries In 2017 and inviting un-bonded students studying at University or Universities of Technology to apply for bursaries available in the following disciplines (Students from 2nd year):

Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering (heavy current)
Metallurgy / Chemical Engineering
Mining Engineering


Grade 12 with a minimum C symbol in both Mathematics and Science on Higher Grade
Already enrolled in the required field of study
Un-bonded students

Additional information

Preference will be given to students from the Free State, Northern Cape and Limpopo Provinces.
The bursary has a Contractual Employment obligation
Students are responsible for their own registration for 2017.

How to Apply

Interested / Qualifying Students should send us:

a complete and up-to-date Academic Record:
Matric Certificate.

For the attention: Lynn Berowsky: e-mail:

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