Actuarial Science|University of Pretoria Undergraduate Programme

Actuarial Science|University of Pretoria Undergraduate Programme

Interested in studying BSc Actuarial and Financial Mathematics with us? This page should help you to find all the information that you need. 

Conditional admission is granted on the grounds of Grade 11 results. Application forms are available from the Client Service Centre. Applications can also be completed online at

Client Service Centre: Tel: (012) 420-3111 or e-mail:

You are advised to apply as early as possible because additional admission examinations may be required in some cases and the programme is extremely popular. Early application is also necessary where accommodation in a residence is required.


1.    Why should I study at UP?

The University of Pretoria has been offering actuarial training since 1988. We currently boast with a total of 240 qualified actuaries among our alumni, some of them qualifying in record time. We also count amongst our alumni highly respected and senior business people in top posts not only in South Africa, but also internationally.

The programme provides you with a broad education that will serve you beyond what is usually expected of a graduate in these fields. The coursework emphasises Mathematics and Statistics and their role in actuarial and financial applications. Special emphasis is given to the development of the computational and analytical skills necessary for leadership in a career as an actuary or financial engineer.

Our programme also allows you to choose between the option of entering the fields of actuarial work or as financial engineering. Financial Engineers can be employed by banks and financial institutions, brokerage firms and investment institutions. Their re essential in portfolio management and risk management. Activities include among others: asset management (trading in bonds, futures and derivative instruments such as options), designing new financial products and devising strategies to control credit risk.

The programme makes provision for you to acquire the analytical techniques which are essential for the modelling of the stochastic behaviour of financial processes and the simulation of the resulting effects on investment portfolios. You are also taught the ability to design and analyse financial products.

To meet the challenges set by the financial industry, the University of Pretoria has compiled its programme in actuarial training to consist of the three-year BSc (Actuarial and Financial Mathematics) degree which is designed to give wider potential than only the actuarial training and for those students who wish to continue with actuarial studies, the BSc(Hons) (Actuarial Science) degree.

2.    What are the admission criteria?

To be admitted to the degree course BSc(Financial and Actuarial Mathematics) the following Grade 12 results are required:

  • National Senior Certificate (NSC)
  • Mathematics: 7 (80%-100%) (Additional or Alpha Mathematics STRONGLY recommended)
  • English or Afrikaans: 5 (60%-69%)
  • Additional Language: 5 (60%-69%)
  • An APS of 34 (Excluding Life Orientation)

The APS is calculated add level performance of two languages, Mathematics and the three other best subjects, excluding Life Orientation.
3.    Which subjects will I be taking in my first year?

First year students will enrol for all of the compulsory subjects below:

First Semester

Second Semester

COS 132 Imperative Programming 132 AIM 101 Academic Information Management 101
EKN 113 Economics 113 EKN 123 Economics 123
FBS 112 Financial Management 112 FBS 122 Financial Management 122
WST 111 Mathematical Statistics 111 WST 121 Mathematical Statistics 121
WTW 114 Calculus 114 WTW 123 Numerical Analysis 123
LST 110 Language and Study Skills 110 WTW 124 Calculus and Algebra 124

4.    From which Actuarial Society examinations can I be exempted?

On the grounds of academic performance, students who work hard can be recommended for up to eight exemptions on completion of the undergaduate degree and another possible four on completion of the Honours degree.

5.   Do I have to write admissions tests?

All students applying to the University of Pretoria are recommended to write the National Benchmark Test before registration. The results of the admission test may be used as additional information in cases where Grade 12 results do not display for whatever reason, the true potential of the candidate. Candidates must contact the Faculty Administration before end August of the year in which they apply to make the necessary arrangements.

For more information contact Faculty Administration on (012) 420-4580.
6.    How much will the degree cost?

Because fees can vary, we refer you to enquiries regarding class fees: (012) 420-3111.
It should be noted that for some courses, especially in the third year and all of the Honours courses, the amounts quoted include the cost of the course notes for specific subjects.

7.   Further Information you may find useful

Accommodation enquiries:

University residences: (012) 420-3111
Off-campus accommodation: (012) 362-5112

Aptitude tests:

The University of Pretoria offers aptitude tests and career advice services, based on psychometric tests. Enquiries: (012) 420-3111