Average Audit Fee In South Africa

What is Audit Fee?

The cost of external audits (audit fees) refers to the amount of compensation for services performed by external auditors. The compensation for the services is related to the amount of time used to complete the work and the value of services provided to the client or the firm.

Average Audit Fee In South Africa

The approved charge-out rates commence at an entry-level rate of R256 (R248 – 2019/20) for a first-year graduate trainee. The maximum charge-out rate for partners, directors, specialists, and pre-issuance is at R3 119 (R3 028 – 2019/20).

What is a typical audit fee?

Over the past 10 years, the study has found in general that smaller companies have reported decreases in audit fees while larger companies have seen increases. Companies are paying more per hour for audits now. Average hourly audit fees have increased from $216 per hour in 2009 to more than $283 per hour in 2019.

How much do audit accountants charge?

According to Audit Analytics, for audit-related fees, CPAs charge an average of $548 per $1 million in revenue in 2019. So a company with $5 million in revenue can expect to pay, on average, $2,740 for an audit — less for compiled or reviewed financial statements.

How are audit fees calculated?

Audit fees shall generally be based upon the degree of responsibility, risk, and skill involved and the time necessarily occupied on the work. The choice of Gross Turnover or Total Assets as the basis must be relevant and reflects closely the time charge.

Why are audits so expensive?

There are two main reasons for the cost of an audit being expensive. The first reason is the liability a CPA accepts when they provide an audit. A CPA risks their reputation and financial well-being with every audit they conduct.

How do accountants charge clients?

A basic strategy for pricing your accounting services is cost-plus pricing. In this strategy, you take what it costs to offer your services and add a percentage to that amount to determine how much you should charge clients in order to make a profit