Average Cost Of Water Per Month In South Africa

What is Water?

Water is an inorganic, transparent, tasteless, odourless, and nearly colourless chemical substance, which is the main constituent of Earth’s hydrosphere and the fluids of all known living organisms. It is vital for all known forms of life, even though it provides neither food, energy, nor organic micronutrients.

Average Cost Of Water Per Month In South Africa

Water charges are divided into two steps in a tariff system. For consump on up to 200 kilolitres: R44.97 per kilolitre per month. For consumption exceeding 200 kilolitres: R47.

How Much Does KL Of Water Cost In South Africa

Water charges are divided into two steps in a tariff system. For consumption of up to 200 kilolitres: R44. 97 per kilolitre per month. For consumption exceeding 200 kilolitres: R47.

How much is a kilolitre of water in Cape Town?

For consumption between 6 and 10 kilolitres per month, Cape Town will charge you R20. 75 per kilolitre, while Joburg will charge you R18. 99, a difference of 8.5%. That charge goes up the more you use thanks to consumption brackets.

What is the average water bill in Cape Town?

City water costs on average 4c per litre compared to R10 per litre for shop-bought bottled water. Based on the first 10 500 litres of water used, the average bill will be R411. 99 on the no-restriction, water-wise tariff.

What is the average water consumption per household in South Africa?

237 litres/person/day
Generally, the average water consumption in South Africa is 237 litres/person/day (l/c/d), which is higher than the world average of about 173 l/c/d (Ngobeni & Breitenbach).

How many Litres of water does a family of 4 use?

Our experience has shown that high income households tend to consume 250 litres (per head and above) and sometimes as high as 600 litres. Many homes on the other hand make to do with as little as 40 litres per person per day.