Average Temperature In South Africa By Months

What is Temperature?

Temperature is a physical quantity that expresses hot and cold or a measure of the average kinetic energy of the atoms or molecules in the system.

Average Temperature In South Africa By Months

Winter in South Africa

January78 F14 hours
February77 F13 hours
March75 F12 hours
April70 F12 hours

Which month is the hottest in South Africa?


The warm season lasts for 5.7 months, from September 27 to March 17, with an average daily high temperature above 75°F. The hottest month of the year in Johannesburg is January, with an average high of 78°F and low of 59°F.

What is the best month to travel to South Africa?

The best time to visit South Africa is between May and October which bring perfect weather conditions for wildlife viewing. From November to February, expect some rain and plenty of opportunities for birding. The best time to visit South Africa for surfing is March to September.

How cold does South Africa get?

The coldest place in South Africa is the Northern Cape town of Sutherland, in the western Roggeveld Mountains. Here midwinter temperatures can drop to -15°C (5°F). The Western Cape gets all of its rain in winter. The winter weather in Cape Town is always cold, wet and unpleasantly windy.

Is 16 degrees cold or hot in South Africa?

Here, the climate is constantly mild, with average daytime temperatures around 16 °C (61 °F) in winter and around 20 °C (68 °F) in summer, even though rapid increases in temperature may occur when the wind blows from the desert, which lies to the east and is scorchingly hot in summer.

What is the hottest town in South Africa?

Letaba in Limpopo

This is officially the constant hottest place in SA with a mean annual temperature of 23.3ºC and an average annual maximum temperature of 35ºC.

These average min and max temperatures combined makes it the hottest place in SA.

How safe is South Africa?

South Africa has a very high level of crime. Crime is the primary security threat to travelers. Violent crimes, including rape and murder, occur frequently and have involved foreigners.

Muggings, armed assaults and theft are also frequent, often occurring in areas that are popular among tourists.