By | December 1, 2016

Bursaries For 2016 at Red & Yellow School

Here are two questions for you before you continue reading bursaries for 2016 that are designed by Red & Yellow School, first, are you an individual with a huge interest in advertising and marketing industry? Second, are you a student with excellent academic record, but have restraint to pay for your education? If you find “Yes” for both questions as your answer, read on for your chance for free education. Let it alone, Red & Yellow School proudly supports talented SA young generations to follow their dream in marketing and advertising industry by financing their tertiary education.

It is not longer a secret that many SA young generations with excellent talent fail to continue their education to tertiary institutions because of financial matter. That is why, Yellow & Red School scheming bursaries for 2016 to widen the chance for those brilliant students who aim for national certificate in advertising, advanced diploma for digital marketing (this is only for distance learning), diploma for copy writing, bachelor of artsfor visual communications, and the last one is diploma for communications, advertising, and marketing– to apply for their bursary. Red & Yellow School through their bursary opportunities that they design for about more than 22 years expect to give 10% of SA students with previously disadvantaged background chance for free education.

Apply Online Click Here Red & Yellow School

Are you expecting Red & Yellow School bursaries for 2016? You can now send your motivation letter for the bursary through, afterward ascertain to complete application form together with submission test of your preference course. So, what are you waiting for? Prepare anything that you need for the bursary, then apply it online, then wait for the good news. A suggestion for you, in the world of bursary opportunity usually motivation letter has major influence to determine your opportunity for the bursary second after your qualifications, so ensure you write it properly.