Family Unification Services In South Africa

Family Reunification services may be ordered by the Court for the parents to regain physical custody of their child. The family reunification services are meant to address the circumstances that led to the removal of their child and initial placement in the foster care system.

Parents’ experiences of family reunification services

  • Early Childhood and Child Care Services.
  • Education Services.
  • Health Services.
  • Housing Services.
  • Respite Care Programs.
  • Services to Children and Youth With Disabilities.

What is a reunification procedure In South Africa?

Reunification is the process of ensuring that children return to the care of their parent(s) and family as quickly as possible after an emergency. Emergencies increase the possibility for children to become separated from their parents or legal guardians

How does family reunification work In South Africa?

This program provides time-limited services to families whose children cannot remain safely in the home and have been placed by the Juvenile Court in foster care. The goal of reunification is to help the family correct the problems so children can be returned to their care and custody.

What types of services do family agencies provide In South Africa?

Service Array

Early Childhood and Child Care Services.

Education Services.

Health Services.

Housing Services.

Respite Care Programs.

Services to Children and Youth With Disabilities.

How long does it take for family reunification In South Africa?

Approval to reside in the U.S through family reunion can take as little as one to five years. Each separate case is assessed on its own merit. Some will move quicker than others.

What are some strategies for promoting family reunification In South Africa?

Respect Birth Parents and Be Compassionate.

Encourage Visitation and Regular Contact.

Communicate Regularly with the Family.

Pursue Safe Reunification for Children.

Promote Cooperative Reunification-Centered Approaches at Agencies.