How To Get Rid Of Rats In The Roof In South Africa

Looking for solutions to get rid of rats in your home or on your business premises? Professional rat removal is the quickest and most effective way to get rid of rats. Our expert services offer a reliable form of rat control and a long-term solution to a rat infestation.

Below is How To Get Rid Of Rats In The Roof In South Africa

At Rentokil, our qualified local technicians are backed by global knowledge and innovation in getting rid of rats.

We have the expertise to offer specialized rat control solutions for your home or business, which can guarantee fast removal through the use of safe and targeted treatments.

How to get rid of rats? Our rat bait stations are developed in-house to successfully control a large rodent infestation.

How do I get rid of rats on my roof in South Africa?

Spread Instant Potato Powder. Sprinkle instant potato powder around areas you’ve seen rats. When they consume the powder, it will cause inflammation inside their intestines and kill them.

How do I permanently get rid of roof rats?

Block Entryways:

To prevent roof rats from nesting in your home, make sure that all windows and vents are screened.

Trim Trees: These rodents can get to the roof from the branches of trees. Trim all tree branches to further prevent entry.

How do I get rid of rats in my roof naturally?

Keep palm trees trimmed and takedown vines or shrubs growing against or near the home. Thin out bushes near your house to discourage rats from using them as cover.

Homes that have attics or other high places are more prone to roof rat infestations because they prefer to live above ground.

How to Prevent in South Africa

See our rat control tips below on practical ways you can help to prevent a problem:

Keep foodstuffs in metal or glass containers with tight-fitting lids.

Tidy inside the house and around the garden – less clutter means fewer places to hide.

Place outdoor rubbish bags in metal bins with securely fitted lids to stop them from feeding on contents.

Clean up pet food and bird seed debris, and store pet food in robust containers with fitted lids – preferably above ground level.

Keep gardens free from debris. If you have a compost heap don’t include organic food waste, as this will attract them.

Rat Control/How to Deter Rats in South Africa

Discovering rats in your home or business can be very distressing. Fortunately, there are ways you can exercise rat control and prevent an infestation.

Proofing your home to deny rats entry and removing easy access to food and water can really make a difference. Rats need easy and consistent access to a water source, even though they only drink between 15 – 60ml per day. They will eat almost anything available, but they do prefer to eat small amounts of a variety of different foods.