By | December 1, 2016

PPS Graduate Internship for Social Media, IT, and Graduate Consultant

Applying for a graduate/internship opportunity, it means you back up yourself with thorough knowledge that is not only limited by a theoretical stuff, but also a practical experience. Let it alone, if it is a PPS graduate opportunity that you look for, a good chance for you as now the internship is opened. Considering this internship program as your path to know deeper about PPS things, social media and so on, learn first how to widen your chance to be win the opportunity of becoming a successful intern for this program.

Electrical Engineering Internship

The qualifications, this requires you to hold BBA Hons, B.Com, or B.SC in Investment, English, Financial Planning, Marketing, Journalism, Accounting, and Information Technology. In fact, PPS graduate internship program expects its participants to have these following criteria; urgency centric, solution oriented, eligibility to build a good rapport with people, and excellent in time management. Becoming a part of graduate internship program by PPS Investment, you will be exposed with knowledge and competence in marketing both PPS services and products. Too, you will have sharpen your skill to increase your product sales by mastering the art to influence your brokers. Indeed, individual improvement is important, but you have chance to learn how to become a part of an excellence team.

Apply Online PPS Internship

In addition, you have privilege to figure out about how to methodically provide service request, and queries. If you meet the criteria and expect to learn about those mentioned above, you can apply online now or you can wait to apply later on after you figure out some key of responsibilities if you are accepted to be a graduate for PPS graduate opportunity. Straightly speaking, the responsibilities cover planning, preparing, and maintaining any content around PPS and its social media platform, website, forum and some others. You need also to produce a thought for leadership editorial, analyze and supervise competitors and so on.