RV Sugar Prices In South Africa

What is RV Sugar?

The recoverable value is a measure of the value of the sugar and molasses that will be recovered from the sugar cane delivered by the individual grower and is calculated as follows: RV % cane.

RV Sugar Prices In South Africa

The sixth provisional RV Price for the 2022/23 season, which is payable at the end of September 2022, has been declared at R5801.25 per RV ton. This represents an increase of R59.09 per RV ton compared to the previous RV Price estimate.

What is RV in sugarcane?

RV is a percentage of sugarcane and RV yield is the basis for cane payment, which is calculated as follows: Cane Revenue = RV Price (Rands/RV ton) X (Tons cane over weighbridge X RV%) = RV Price (Rands/RV ton) X RV tons. The Recoverable Value (RV) Formula: RV% = S – DN – cF.

How are RV prices calculated?

The dealer cost is typically about 70% of the MSRP. So, to calculate the fair market value you will take 85% off the MSRP (which, again, is halfway between wholesale and retail). Don’t pay more than this figure. In fact, RVs can often be purchased at 75% to 80% of the MSRP.