SDC Short Courses Fashion Marketing

SDC Short Courses Fashion Marketing

SDC Short Courses Fashion Marketing Syllabus

This program allows the learner to focus on the fundamental principles and practices of fashion marketing. The program has been developed by practicing fashion experts and so many useful tips and hints have been incorporated to assist the learner on their career journey. Fashion Marketing is as much psychology as it is communication and so it is important for learners to understand how to use and manipulate these two elements to ensure the sale of a product, label or brand. With the advancement of technology the marketing platforms for fashion are becoming increasingly more interactive, technological and the industry is facing some exciting developments. It is a very good time to explore opportunities in this rewarding field.


Course Outline:

What is Marketing

Marketing Process

The Marketing Mix

Price Strategies

Marketing at Work

Fashion Market Analysis

Fashion Forecasting

Fashion Trending

Consumer Behavior

Fashion Promotion

Fashion Advertising

Advertising Campaign Management

Full fee: