South Africa School Of Paralegal Studies-how to apply

South Africa School Of Paralegal Studies-how to apply

Corporate training has become a norm for us as our reputation for quality legal training is by now well established in the world of business.

In-house seminars can be designed to suit the specific needs of organizations.

The benefits of such a course are manifold:

  • Courses are run exclusively for the organisation’s employees on the premises
  • Lecturers can be given employee job profiles and include relevant points in the seminar
  • Queries that need to be answered can be submitted in advance
  • Lecturers are available for questions for the two-week period before the exam

Employees who would benefit from these courses are:

  • People already working in an environment where legal knowledge or skills are required.
  • Secretaries or legal assistants who want to specialize.

Three options are available:

  • Individual subject seminars (2 days plus ½ day revision):
    Property Law & Conveyancing, Civil Litigation, Wills & Estates, Debt Collecting, Criminal Law & Procedure and Business Law.
  • Seminars consisting of a combination of the above subjects.
  • Insolvency Seminar (4 days):
    The Insolvency seminar is aimed at businesses or corporations, which employ staff who deal with insolvent estates. The course will provide students with insight into the legal procedures, that apply on insolvency. Particular attention will be given, from a practical point of view, to the effect of a sequestration order, the role of the trustee and liquidator, lodging of claims and the rights of creditors.