By | March 9, 2020

CLOSING DATE: 13 March 2020
Location: Head Office and all Provinces

The South African Police Service hereby invites unemployed graduates who conform to the requirements for a twelve (12) months Graduate Recruitment Scheme at Office of the Component: Presidential Protection Services. The Graduate Recruitment Scheme is part of the National Human Resource Development Strategy and the National Skills Development Strategy.


  • Be a South African citizen;
  • Must be in possession of National Senior Certificate / Senior Certificate / National Certificate Vocational (level 4);
  • Must have no previous criminal conviction(s) or case(s) pending;
  • Applicants must be unemployed, never employed in field of the advertised post and never participated in an Internship programme relevant to the field of the post
  • Proof of residential address to be attached;
  • Applicants are restricted to apply for only three (3) positions and complete separate application forms for each post reference number.

Intern categories with minimum requirements:

Graduate Intern: Tertiary Qualification is required (Statement of Results must be attached).

Student Intern: Practical experience required by the Tertiary Institution in order for learners to finalise their qualification (letter from the Institution must be attached).

NB: Stipend for each category will be determined by the Divisional Commissioner Human Resource Development: South African Police Service


The following posts are advertised for consideration in terms of the Graduate Recruitment Scheme into the South African Police Service.

Administrative Intern(2 Post)

Section: Human Resource Management

Location: PPS: Pretoria HQ

Ref Number: PPSINT05 / 2020

Additional Requirements:

  • *Be in possession of an applicable three (3) year National Diploma / Degree in Human Resource Management / Public Administration and Management / Business Administration / Office Administration / Office Management and Technology / Labour Law / Labour Relations, recorded on the National Learner Record Database (NLRD) on at least a NQF 6 or higher level or relevant qualification in the field of the post

Core Functions:

  • *Assist with: Co-ordinate all HRM related matters; Administrative duties in terms of all Employee Relations and Life Cycle Management; Administrative duties in terms of Human Resource Utilization functions; Administrative duties in terms of Personnel Management duties.

Administrative Intern(3 Posts)

Section: Supply Chain Management


  • PPS: Pretoria HQ, Ref Number PPS / HQ INT 06 / 2020:
  • PPS KZN, Ref Number PPS / KZN INT07 / 2020 :
  • PPS Cape Town, Ref Number PPS / CTINT08 / 2020
RELATED :   Avior 2018 Internship Programme

Additional Requirements:

  • Be in possession of an applicable three (3) year National Diploma / Degree in Supply Chain Management / Logistics / Transport Management / Fleet Management, recorded on the National Learner Record Database (NLRD) on at least a NQF 6 or higher level or relevant qualification in the field of the post.

Core Functions:

  • Assist with: Administering the appropriate acquisition process within the section: SCM which is fair equitable, transparent, competitive and cost effective; Administering the movable government property within the SAPS; Administering the state owned / leased accommodation and facilities;Administering the vehicle fleet within PPS;Administering the losses and damages within PPS.

Financial Administrative Intern(5 Post)

Section:Finance and Administration


  • PPS: Pretoria HQ(2X Posts) Ref Number: PPS / HQINT01 / 2020:
  • PPS: Cape Town(1X Post) Ref Number: PPS / CT INT 02 / 2020:
  • PPS: KZN(1X Post) Ref Number: PPS / KZN INT 03 / 2020:
  • PPS: Mthatha(1XPost) Ref Number: PPS / MthathaINT04 / 2020

Additional Requirements:

  • *Be in possession of an applicable three (3) year National Diploma / Degree in B Com Accounting / Bachelors of Accounting Sciences in Financial Accounting / B Com in Financial Management / Business Administration / Business Management / Cost Management and Accounting / Public Finance Management and Administration, recorded on the National Learner Record Database (NLRD) on at least a NQF 6 or higher level or relevant qualification in the field of the post.

Core Functions:

  • *Assist with: Administrative tasks regarding Finance Management; Verification of all allowances and capture on PERSAL; Processing of SAPOL claims on POLFIN; Distribution and receiving of telephone / cellular phones accounts to / from users; Creation of financial authorisation on POLFIN;Record keeping of all approved / disapproved financial application for audit purposes.


  • Only the official Application Form for the Graduate Recruitment Scheme(available on the SAPS website) will be accepted. All instructions on the application form must be adhered to. Failure to do so may result in the rejection of the application.
  • The post particulars and reference number of the post must be correctly specifiedon the Application Form.
  • An updated Curriculum Vitae must be submitted together with the application form.
  • Certified copies of an applicant’s ID document, National Senior Certificate and all postschool educational qualifications with statement of results obtained must also be submitted and attached to every application. Certified copies should not be older than 6 months. No faxed or e-mailed applications will be considered.
  • Applications must be posted / hand delivered timeously. Late applications will not be accepted or considered. The closing date for all applications is 2020-02-28.
  • All short-listed candidates will be subjected to fingerprint screening.
  • All short-listed candidates will undergo a personal interview. Short-listed applicants may be subjected to vetting.
  • Correspondence will be conducted with successful candidates only. If you have not been contacted within 4 months after the closing date of this advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.
  • The South African Police Service is under no obligation to fill a postafter advertisement thereof.
  • Recommended candidates will be expected to sign a 12 months Internship Contract.
  • Graduate Recruitment Scheme in the SAPS may not be regarded as a guarantee for automatic absorption for permanent appointment.
RELATED :   2020 Graduate / Internship Programme at EC DEDEAT

How To Apply

Download Application Form


Col HJ Gerber, Tel no (012) 400 5669
PAC N Mphaphuli, Tel no (012) 400 6457

Applications for the various posts in the respective provinces must be submitted to the following addresses:

Capt Phahlamohlaka: Tel no. (012) 400 5400
Serg Mogale; Tel no. (012) 400 5516

Acting Sub-Section Commander: Skills Development Facilitator: Presidential Protection Service, SouthAfrican Police Service, Private Bag X 272, Pretoria, 0001.
(For attention Capt Phahlamohlaka)

Acting Sub-Section Commander: Skills Development Facilitator: Presidential Protection Service, National Head Office: South African Police Service
03 Troy Street, Maupanaga Building Sunnyside Pretoria.

Lieutenant Colonel Fourie: Tel no. (021) 506 2136

Sub-Section Commander: Skills Development Facilitator: Presidential Protection Service, SouthAfrican Police Service, Private Bag X 1, Stalplein CAPETOWN, 8015.
(For attention Lt Col Fourie)

Sub-Section Commander: Skills Development Facilitator: Presidential Protection Service, Presidential Protection Service Cape Town: South African Police Service 121 Plein Street, Garmor House 4th Floor CAPE TOWN.

Lieutenant Colonel Nchukana: Tel no. (031) 203 7329Cell no (066) 303 9333

Sub-Section Commander: Skills Development Facilitator: Presidential Protection Service, South African Police Service, Private Bag X 54306, DURBAN 4000.(
For attention Lt Col Nchukana)

Sub-Section Commander: Skills Development Facilitator: Presidential Protection Service, KZN: South African Police Service 446 Vusi Mzimela Road Cato Manor 4058