By | January 23, 2017

University of Stellenbosch Bursary eligibility criteria

In awarding bursaries, the University uses a range of criteria specific to each bursary being applied for. It is therefore necessary to consult “Bursaries available – administered by SU” to view all available funding and their criteria. There are however some general guidelines as to eligibility for bursaries administered by Stellenbosch University:
  • Candidates already in possession of a qualification on the same level or higher than the one support is being sought for, are not eligible to apply for bursaries.
  • Virtually no bursaries are available to foreign students. Foreign students should therefore not rely on obtaining funds in the R.S.A. but should seek funding in their country of origin before coming to Stellenbosch University.
  • Incomplete applications submitted without supporting documents will be disqualified and not considered.
  • Late applications will be processed according to the policy approved by the University.
For detailed eligibility criteria, specific to each bursary, consult “bursaries available – administered by SU”.
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