By | November 20, 2016

Arts And Culture Bursary Gauteng Province

Arts and Culture bursary provided by Gauteng Province is happily inviting all local artists and athletes to participate in this great funding offers for their passion. Once it is said that “Arts and Culture is not just an event but also to preserve our heritage”. Undoubtedly, investments in arts and culture is very beneficial for the individuals, businesses and the community. Artists, now is your time for greater Gauteng!

Culture Bursary Gauteng Province

About Arts and Culture Bursary

The main purpose of providing bursary in arts and culture by the local government is as the implementation of the mandate given to the public sector, which is to energize the integrated and sustainable arts and culture programmes. Not only that, the strategic object of arts and culture bursary is to identify and preserve heritage of the local culture and art. Better promotion of Gauteng arts will contribute to the developmental state and support good governance.

Fields of Study Available

Arts and culture bursaries will be awarded for the following disciplines:

  • Classical Music
  • Ceramic Design
  • Drama, dance and choreography
  • Jewellery Design
  • Copywriting Media Studies
  • Creative Writing
  • Fashion Design
  • Photography
  • Fine Art
  • Graphic Design
  • Performing Arts
  • Puppetry
  • Textile Design
  • Sound Engineering
  • Theatre and Visual Arts
  • Research in the field of Arts and Culture
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Arts and culture bursaries are also available for undergraduates and  postgraduates which specializing in research of fields of arts and culture.

Criteria For Bursaries

Since the Arts and Culture bursary is specialized for Gauteng province, the bursaries will only be awarded to Gauteng residents. The other requirements of the application are:

  • South African permanent resident
  • Not employed by any institution at the moment applying for Arts and Culture bursary
  • Only awarded to students registered/applied at public university/institution

Arts and culture bursaries provide for 4 years of study cycle. The bursaries will cover tuition fees, registration fees and all books/course material fees. Transport and accommodation fees are not included.

Applying for Arts and Culture Bursaries

To apply for the bursaries, all applicants are expected to submit the needed documents and those are:

  • Certified copy of ID
  • Latest CV
  • Provisional registration or acceptance letter from university or institution
  • Full academic results/transcripts
  • Two recommendation letter from qualified person/group
  • Applicants are not employed at the moment of applying

Send the art and culture bursaries of Gauteng Province or inquiries to: