By | February 7, 2017

Vaal University of Technology Student Trust Fund

Following the student protests concerning the shortfall of financial aid from the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) the Interim Parents Forum and management of the Vaal University of Technology agreed to establish the VUT Student Financial Aid Trust Fund.. The fund will address institutional challenges such as registration, tuition fees, educational materials, textbooks, student hunger, sanitary pads for young women and student debt.

Surveys have shown that the lack of financial support contributes significantly to the failure and dropout rate of students, particularly in the first year of studies. We therefore appeal to anyone with extra resources to assist the Fund with donations, equipment and groceries for the neediest of students.

Donations can be deposited at the VUT Student Trust Fund, ABSA Bank, Account Number: 530 861 945, Branch Code: 632005, Reference Number: F0015316.. If needed, the Vat Number is 462010. Please advise the Office of the Vice-Chancellor once a donation has been made to ensure proper monitoring of the activity on the account.

Your kind consideration and support will be highly appreciated.


Prof I N Moutlana

Vice-Chancellor and Principal

Vaal University of Technology